Summer 2020 – Week 3


Hello and Welcome to Week 3!!

Some weeks at Wekiva we are fortunate enough to have a volunteer or counselor bugle player. There is something special about beginning and ending the day with a bugle!

Reveille, performed on the bugle by Devon Villareal

At camp, we have two flag ceremonies each day! We say the Conservation Pledge after the Pledge of Allegiance all standing together as a camp around our flag circle. Join our counselors and say it with us today.

I give my pledge
As an American
To save and faithfully defend from waste
The natural resources of my country
Its air, soil, and minerals
Its forests, waters, and wildlife

We are so excited to have you join us for our Virtual Camp Wekiva Activities!

Many things to choose from and learn about in all the links below.

Go ahead and click one to see what you can find!!

And when it’s time for Light’s Out…..Enjoy listening to Taps.

Taps, performed on the bugle by Devon Villareal