Leaders In Training (Grade 9)
The 9th Grade Leaders-in-Training (LIT) Program is a bridge between being a camper and becoming a leader at FFGC Wekiva Youth Camp. Program participants are selected from returning Wekiva campers recommended by our Staff from the 8th Grade Environmental Education Program. Invitation letters are issued by the Program Coordinator to recommended participants in January each year.
LIT is a one week, co-ed Program that prepares participants for future leadership opportunities while learning about marine environments. Our week begins at Wekiva Youth Camp with leadership activities all day on Monday. Early Tuesday, the LIT group leaves Wekiva for the Marine Science Station in Crystal River where we spend time on the water learning about Florida’s marine and coastal environments while boating, swimming, and snorkeling. We continue leadership training in the evenings followed by free time on the grounds of the Marine Science Station. We return to Wekiva Youth Camp on Friday for closing ceremonies.
LIT Program participants are evaluated by our Staff at the end of the week and recommendations are made to the Camp Director for consideration as Counselors-in-Training (CITs), an entry level staff position, for the following summer.
For questions regarding the LIT Program, please contact the Program Coordinator, Devon Villareal, at CampWekivaLIT@gmail.com.