NOT Just for Campers


Here’s some history you might want to know . . .  The partnership between the Florida Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc. and the Florida Park Service for a Conservation Camp in Florida has a long history.  From 1945 to 1952,  Conservation Camp moved around the state from the North in O’Leno State Park, Gold Head Branch State Park, and Fort Clinch State Park to the South in Hugh Taylor Birch State Park.  From 1959 to 1972, Junior Nature Camps were located in the Ocala National Forest and O’Leno State Park.  This longstanding history created the groundwork for a successful partnership with the Florida Department of Natural Resources, Division of Recreation and Parks for a permanent home at Wekiwa Springs State Park (a 6,000 acre unimproved property the State purchased from the Apopka Sportsmen’s Club in 1969) for a summer children’s camp for conservation and nature study.  The Districts located around the State of the Florida Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc. started building the infrastructure with each District raising money for a camper cabin so Wekiva Youth Camp could open in 1974.

As you prepare for coming to Wekiva Youth Camp, here’s some interesting details that you might like to enjoy:

Additionally, you have an excellent chance of catching a glimpse of some of the wildlife that we share space with.  Here’s some additional information about a few of the species that you might get to see:

Additionally, here’s some good advice from the experts: