Nature – Sensory Scavenger Hunt

Sensory Scavenger Hunt
Be sure you participate with adult supervision and do not touch anything unless your adult considers it safe. MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL – HAVE FUN!
I feel:
___ something smooth
___ something fuzzy
___ something rough
___ something strong enough to climb on
___ something cold
___ something spiky
I smell:
___ something fresh
___ something stinky
___ something fruity
___ something sweet
___ something earthy
___ something that smells like food
I hear:
___ a weather sound
___ something that snaps
___ an insect sound
___ music I make
___ a soft sound
___ something that crunches
___ something nearby
___ something far away
I see:
___ something tiny
___ something in your favorite color
___ something tall
___ something an animal could eat
___ something colorful
___ something left by an animal