Nature Extravaganza Scavenger Hunt
Nature Extravaganza Scavenger Hunt
Remember to get your parent’s permission to go outside on this scavenger hunt!
Have fun searching for these items in nature.
Remember, take only memories, and leave only footprints!

See how many of the following things you can find in nature! Good Luck and have fun!!
_____ something fuzzy
_____ Y shaped branch
_____ a web
_____ pinecone
_____ caterpillar
_____ something purple
_____ crawling insect
_____ tree stump
_____ fallen branch
_____ mammal (not people!)
_____ flying insect
_____ 3 different kinds of trees
_____ mushrooms
_____ cloud that looks like an animal
_____ log
_____ something blue
_____ a pointy leaf
_____ a flock of birds
_____ smooth object
_____ water
_____ bee
_____ animal tracks
_____ lizard
_____ dragonfly
_____ acorn
_____ bumpy object
_____ hole in a tree
_____ tree with bark that is not brown
_____ yellow flower
_____ tree shorter than you
What was something you did not expect to see?
What was a special treasure you found?